Médio Juruá: Results in Favor of Biodiversity and People
The Médio Juruá Territory Program has helped preserve 1 million hectares of forest and improve the lives of 4,200 residents
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Impact Partnership: PTMJ Helps to Conserve 950,000 Hectares in the Amazon
Over 3,600 people received socioeconomic benefits in year two
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PTMJ Helps to Protect One Million Hectares in the Amazon
First year report shows phase II program results
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Andiroba: The Seed that Generates Income and Enables People to Plan for their Future
This year the Médio Juruá Territory is expecting the best harvest this decade; families will buy equipment
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Female Empowerment: Riverine Women Bet on the Production of Biocosmetics
Fifty women in the Médio Juruá region were trained on local raw material production techniques
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Riverine women united to strengthen their role in their communities
Through ASMAMJ, women now engage in income generation activities
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Amazon seeds: income for communities, and protection for the forest
PTMJ strengthens seed and oil value chain, benefiting 2,652 riverine people
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Strengthening biodiversity conservation in the Amazon: Médio Juruá Territory Program Phase 2
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New cold storage warehouse allows fisherman of Medio Juruá river to freeze and store their sustainable pirarucu
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Médio Juruá Territory: a new path toward strengthening traditional communities
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