
Our News Page features information and updates about PCAB and partnership projects. We feature positive impacts on communities and on the conservation of Amazonian biodiversity. 

USAID partners with Brazil  to achieve the following results: 1) Protected areas are fully consolidated, meeting their management, implementation, monitoring and conservation roles 2) Biodiversity-based sustainable value chains and businesses are expanded, and 3) Private sector engagement actively fosters sustainable-livelihoods toward a sustainable economic model for Amazon communities. 4) Throughout these pillars, USAID aims to incorporate  science, technology and innovation to improve biodiversity conservation practices.


PCAB Hub Success Stories

The Amazonian communities work to protect the forest. They are the face of the projects supported by USAID. By capturing successes, personal experiences, and trends, these stories provide a vivid and engaging picture of USAID’s biodiversity conservation work and our partners in Brazil.

New reality with COVID-19: Devising strategies to minimize impacts


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PCAB impacts on the daily lives of young people from traditional communities in the Amazon


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Traditional and Indigenous women are empowered through PCAB Series: PCAB Transforming Lives


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