Partnership Platform for the Amazon (PPA) Celebrates Its Achievements in 2023

Brazil is home to one of the most impressive natural heritage sites on Earth: the Amazon. It is both the largest tropical forest and the largest river basin in the world, spreading over nine Brazilian states and eight different countries. The Amazon River flows through the region and empties around 175 million liters of water per second into the Atlantic Ocean. The forest teems with Brazil nut trees, minerals, fish, countless animal and plant species, and a wide diversity of peoples and cultures. The conservation of all this natural wealth requires strong alliances and partnerships. 

In this regard, the Partnership Platform for the Amazon (PPA) stands out as a key initiative. The PPA’s wide network includes 33 strategic portfolio partners, including implementers, businesses, and private sector foundations, in addition to 12 parapará partners. In 2023, the PPA achieved significant progress, including its formalization as an independent institution. In June, at the first PPA Deliberative Council meeting, the 2024–29 business plan was approved. 

The results achieved so far are remarkable. The PPA has reached more than 87 million hectares, benefiting over 42,000 people, supporting more than 33 value chains, and strengthening more than 221 organizations and impact businesses operating in the area.

In partnership with Natura, the Médio Juruá Territory Program (PTMJ) worked to strengthen the Carauari Rural Workers Association (ASPROC), helping fishing and Indigenous communities commercialize 54,000 kg of fish under sustainable management. Pirarucu management was the topic of a workshop held in November at Lago do Tucunaré, in the Jará Environmental Protection Area, in the municipality of Juruti, state of Pará. This activity is representative of Amazon biological diversity and culture: the pirarucu is a spectacular fish that can reach 3 meters in length and weigh over 200 kilos. Despite its important role in local culinary traditions, the pirarucu was strongly affected by illegal and predatory fishing.

The PPA works in coordination with different segments of society to improve sociobiodiversity conservation, quality of life in the Amazon, and resilience to climate change, which are currently prominent points in most countries' agendas.