Video: Biodiversity Monitoring in Uatumã Biological Reserve

The Uatumã Biological Reserve (Rebio) in Amazonas state is the biggest Rebio in Brazil, an area of 922,000 hectares. Balbina Lake is part of the reserve, and since 2014 Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas (IPÊ) and Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) have monitored three species of tucunaré, a native fish of the Amazon region,  in the area.

This work is part of the Participatory Biodiversity Monitoring in partnership with local communities. It is also part of “Monitora,” ICMBio’s national biodiversity monitoring program. One hundred fishermen from two communities in Presidente Figueiredo municipality, in Amazonas state, take part in the participatory monitoring of these species.

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