PCAB partners receive social innovation award from United Nations program

The Castanhadora App developed by SEMEAR Castanha and the sustainable collective management of pirarucu by the Carauari Farmers Association (ASPROC) received an award by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Innovation Challenge. The prize is aimed to identify experiences and methodologies related to local value chains that could be amplified. Twelve projects in Amazonas and Piauí states receive R$ 100,000 (US$ 25,000)  each to improve, strengthen and continue development.

The Castanhadora App helps Brazil nut gatherers to calculate product value. Developed by SEMEAR Castanha – a network that brings together knowledge and experiences on Brazil nuts from different actors involved in its value chain. SEMEAR is formed by people who attended Formar Castanha, a training program delivered by the IEB, with support from the PCAB, in 2017 and 2018 with a focus on continued training in sustainable value chains. 

The collective management of the pirarucu is one of the main sources of income for the riverine communities in the Medio Juruá Conservation Units. ASPROC was recognized for its work to guarantee the minimum price for wild-caught, managed pirarucu and the creation of the Gosto da Amazônia brand, developed with the support of the Forest Service. The organization coordinates the stages of management, from planning to fishing to storing and selling. Besides the Program, the PCAB also supports pirarucu monitoring in the region’s Conservation Units.