Partnership Supports Creation of Juruti Sustainability Indicators Observatory

Initiative will collect data to finance actions providing social benefits

January, 2024 – The Sustainable Juruti Institute (IJUS) and the Federal University of Western Pará (UFOPA) signed an agreement in the area of education, science, technology, and innovation to design guidelines, develop methodologies, promote capacity building, engage in research, and apply different tools to operationalize the Juruti Sustainability Indicators Observatory. 

The partnership creates a reference tool to support decision-making for strategies and actions, as well as designing and monitoring public policies focused on promoting sustainable development in the municipality of Juruti, in the state of Pará. 

The observatory is an initiative under the Indicadores de Sustentabilidade e Gestão na Amazônia (INGÁ) project, and implemented by IJUS in partnership with USAID, the Partnership Platform for the Amazon (PPA), the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, and Alcoa. 

The INGÁ project supports human capital development and territorial management in Juruti, enabling autonomous management and leadership at the local level, native forest protection and conservation, degraded area restoration, and support for entrepreneurship (find out more here). 

“Signing this agreement symbolizes our alliance to address the environmental, social, and economic challenges that affect Juruti and the region,” says Gustavo Hamoy, Director of IJUS.

In addition to Mr. Hamoy, the event was attended by the UFOPA dean, Aldenize Ruela Xavier; the executive secretary of the Observatory, Ariadne Lima; and several university professors and researchers. 

For Ms. Xavier, observatories such as this one are required by all municipalities in the region. “Without this knowledge, it is difficult for decision makers to act more assertively. Our expectations are very positive. We want to provide information that can turn the municipality of Juruti into a reference in sustainability for our region—and perhaps become a great example to be showcased at our COP [to be held in 2025 in Belém],” she explains.

The tool will inform public policies that are relevant to companies and public authorities. Everyone will be able to access data about the territory. According to the schedule of activities, the next step will be the definition of variables for all indicators in each dimension – economic, social, and environmental. Once the variables are agreed, the next stages will focus on designing the indicators. The month of July will be used for any necessary adjustments. 

Find out more about the project on the IJUS website