Participatory Monitoring expands activities at Jamari Forest

From July 23 to 26, the Ecological Research Institute (IPÊ), Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) and other organizations delivered a training on the Supplementary Protocol for Monitoring the Effect of Logging on Mammals and Birds at the Jamari National Forest, in the municipality of Itapuã do Oeste, in the state of Rondônia.

The activity is part of the Biodiversity Participatory Monitoring Program led by IPÊ in partnership with ICMBio's MONITORA program. The protocols are methodological roadmaps used to support biodiversity monitoring in Amazon Conservation Units (UCs). In this case, the course shared knowledge on how to monitor mammals and birds, which is a step forward in the monitoring actions already being developed at the national forest. In addition to basic biodiversity monitoring protocols (medium and large mammals, game birds, fruit-eating butterflies and woody plants), this complementary (local) protocol is now active, with the installation of camera traps in conservation and concession areas. 

The course’s 13 participants included firefighters, students and professionals committed to the conservation of this unit, in addition to the Conservation Unit's and IPÊ's own focal points.

Find out more on the IPÊ website