Memortumré and Apanjekrá Agents Attend Mapping Workshop

The workshop followed participatory mapping exercise at Indigenous Lands

October / November, 2022 — Apanjekrá and Memortumré environmental agents from the Kanela and Porquinhos Indigenous lands participated in the 2nd Mapping Improvement and Georeferencing Systematization Workshop. Training took place between September 25 and 30 at Centro Timbira de Ensino e Pesquisa Penxwyj Hempejxà, located in the municipality of Carolina, in the state of Maranhão.

The workshop followed another participatory mapping exercise at both Indigenous lands. This time, the materials aimed to improve the mappings and produce content for publications about these regions. The work took into account the importance of mapping for the research and work carried out by environmental agents aimed at the conservation of their territories and the protection of their rights. Environmental agents also attended a drawing workshop, where they produced illustrations for maps and publications.

The training is part of the social and environmental management education efforts promoted by the Timbira Territorial and Environmental Management Plan (PGTA), which has been developed since 1997. Under the "Integrated Environmental and Territorial Management in Eastern Amazon Indigenous Lands” project, the implementation of the Timbira PGTA at the Kanela and Porquinhos Indigenous lands includes the training of Environmental Mentwajê (which means young environmental defenders) in territorial and environmental management instruments, in addition to a number of intermodular activities included in the training cycle. 

The “Environmental Management” project was created through a cooperation agreement between USAID Brazil's Partnership for the Conservation of Amazon Biodiversity (PCAB) and the Indigenist Work Center (CTI). The project also involves the Society, Population and Nature Institute (ISPN), the Wyty-Catë Organization of Timbira Communities of Maranhão and Tocantins, the Maranhão Indigenous Organizations Network (COAPIMA), and the Maranhão Indigenous Women Network (AMIMA). 

Learn more about the project on the CTI website.