Knowledge Workshop at Jamari National Forest

Sharing experiences is an essential part of the Biodiversity Participatory Monitoring Project in Amazon Conservation Units. That is why, in early March, the Ecological Research Institute (IPÊ) held a Knowledge Workshop about the Jamari National Forest in Itapuã do Oeste, in the state of Rondônia. Their goal was to assess data and present the 2019 monitoring results with local monitors.

The workshop unveiled necessary improvements and adjustments for the to the  biodiversity monitoring protocols and field expeditions. Additionally, a monitoring timetable was developed for the Jamari National Forest and the Samuel Ecological Station.

“It is always a pleasure to spend time with this new family that I gained through monitoring. I am happy when we meet during workshops and can share our knowledge, correct our mistakes, and get help from our masters to improve our work every year,” said Zeziel Ferreira, a biodiversity monitor and forest steward who is also a resident at Vila da Mineração, a village located within the national forest.

This initiative is part of the Biodiversity Participatory Monitoring Project in Amazon Conservation Units, developed by IPÊ in partnership with ICMBio under MONITORA, Brazil’s National Biodiversity Monitoring Program. It is supported by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and USAID through the PCAB.