Environmental agents and indigenous leadership learn basic computer skills

The Canavial village, in the Ipixuna indigenous land in the State of Amazonas, received both a mini-course on basic computer skills and a GPS workshop from April 1-5. The objective was to instruct Indigenous Environmental Agents (AAIs), community leadership, and young people on basic Microsoft software including Excel, Word, and PowerPoint, and also on GPS use for territorial management.

Working with GPS will help in mapping the indigenous land, such as geo-tagging Brazil Nut and Açaí Trees in the forest. The other tools will be used for information management; the creation of spreadsheets and information database for AAI’s field work information; and generating activity reports on territorial management, Brazil Nut, and Açaí Berry production.

The initiative is part of a small projects grant from the “Our Land” project: Territorial and Environmental Management in Indigenous Lands in the Southern Amazonas. The project is implemented by the International Education Institute of Brazil (IEB) and by the Native Amazon Operation (OPAN) (with support from PCAB), and partners with main indigenous organizations in the Southern State of Amazonas: The National Indigenous Foundation (FUNAI), and the Chico Mendes Institute of Biodiversity (ICMBio).