Amapá quilombolas review research about their community

From August 20 to 22, ECAM held another Sharing Worlds workshop at the Carmo do Maruanum quilombola community, in the municipality of Macapá, state of Amapá. The workshop was delivered in partnership with the National Coordination Office of Black Rural Quilombola Communities (CONAQ), and aimed to analyze and validate data collected by the communities themselves based on a questionnaire prepared by CONAQ.


The workshop was attended by 25 members from 11 local quilombola communities who hosted the researchers. During the workshop, participants had an introduction to Excel and learned basic data analysis concepts, such as calculating percentages and data interpretation. They concluded that the information collected is in line with the reality of the communities, and that it can be used to define priorities and lines of action for the region.

“Something we have seen in all of the workshops is that the communities have perceived the importance of gathering data in support of territorial management” explained Rogério Rodrigues, one of ECAM’s consultants in charge of the workshop.

The community praised the workshop methodology and results, especially with regard to how easy it was for everyone to participate in the discussions. Based on the data they have, they will now seek to improve their communication and their access to public policies, especially in the area of sanitation and education.