PPA´s Acceleration program support Amazon businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic

The need for social isolation created by the coronavirus have affected Amazon’s impact business and consequently, communities related to value chains. With declining sales, many entrepreneurs have had to revise plans and adapt to online markets.

The Partnership Platform for the Amazon’s Acceleration and Impact Investment Program, together with supporters and partners, have helped strengthen acceleration businesses in the following ways:

  • Support increase of sales and revenues by catalyzing partnerships with e-commerce, institucional purchase and other campaigns, especially with Mercado Livre, PPA’s new partner.
  • Mentorship program and support network, which aims to build capacity in business areas such as commercial strategy, crisis management, structuring and personal development.
  • Investment review, making the loan payments schedule more flexible and reviewing investment plans.
  • Logistical support, with partnerships with transport companies
  • Emergency fund for capital, from R$10.000 to R$20.000 as donation or zero interest loans.

“Small businesses and startups are under more threat during the pandemic, especially those in the beginning of their development. This is the moment to support the accelerated enterprises so they can continue to create positive social and environmental impact, get back on their feet quickly and continue their journey”, says Anna Toness, USAID/Brazil environment team leader, on the organizations that support the program.

Partnership with Mercado Livre

Mercado Livre, one of the largest finance technology and e-commerce platform in Latin America has joined the PPA to help strengthen the businesses in the network and promote the online sale of Amazon sociobiodiversity products in its platform. The initiative is part of the company’s sustainability strategy, which aims to build capacity and support businesses that promote positive impact.

“E-commerce can be an alternative to the commercialization and logistical challenges of the region, and incentivizing these entrepreneurs helps generate income and forest conservation, and support them in this delicate time”, explains Laura Morra, Mercado Livre’s sustainability manager.

Learn more here.